00:02 AEST Tue Aug 28 2012 NINEMSN Drug users are being urged to be wary of buying harmful "legal high" stimulants over the internet. Mephedrone - a drug also known as "miaow miaow" and bath salts - is banned in most parts of Australia. Kronic, a synthetic cannabis, is also illegal. But other drugs, known as "legal highs", are still available through many of Australia's 100 internet retailers, the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) says. NDARC director Professor Michael Farrell said users needed to beware of the substances they are buying online, which are often sold under various misleading names. "They don't know what they're buying. What they think they're buying may be something different," he told AAP. "Just because it's not illegal doesn't mean it's not harmful." Prof Farrell is among 22 experts who will address NDARC's annual drug symposium on Tuesday ...
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