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Fake Weed/Cannabis - My Thoughts

Fake Weed!
Did you see this on A Current Affair?
If not have a look now!

People are still getting around the law and damaging lives, families, futures, we always portrayed drug pushers as people hanging around dark alleys, in night clubs and parties pushing their goods, now it is just available at some local stores so we are told, sold as incense but laced with deadly chemicals!
The TGA has made the chemicals illegal, States in Australia have legislated against them, but these 'people' still sell it with a small label (in most cases) 'not fit for human consumption' and get a way with it.
Ok, I know the end user has a choice, however, as with a lot of drug use particularly amongst the young, there is a lot of pressure to conform, to act like their peers, to belong, or to just experiment or just escape from the pressure, I also know until we as a society deal with these issues, illicit drug use is always going to be around.

For those of you who think 'legalising everything' gets rid of the problem, think again! it just does not stack up!

 My Thoughts!

1. Time for some serious policing of these stores/outlets and random testing of products with some very public prosecution for those caught supplying chemical laced products, they are selling and supplying illicit substances and should be treated the same as someone selling heroin.

2. GET THE 'HOW TO' VIDEOS OFF YOUTUBE! I cant understand the logic or morals behind banning too much skin and allowing people to openly show others how to smoke these drugs on YouTube videos! just do a search for 'smoking herbs', and see what trash comes up; it seems too much skin (or at least the banned bits) is more dangerous than drugs in this policy!

3. Parents talk to your kids! get the facts, don't dramatise, don't scold, don't lecture, TALK, this is heart to heart stuff, ensure they are informed, that they see these stories from those who have been there, help them to make the right 'informed' choices and the serious life changing consequences of not! it's then up to them.

We need to stop this! NOW

Comment from a victim (as stated on A Current Affair)

"Being the legal alternative, I thought it would be the safer way to go," Mr Traynor said.
"I never thought for a second that this stuff could do such dramatic damage to somebody.
"I am lucky I came out of it with no permanent damage – technically my brain shut down for an hour."
Mr Traynor, who bought the synthetic drug for $40 at a local business, is now warning others of the potential dangers and wants the substance taken off the market.
"Just stay away from it, it's not safe. It's not a decent alternative, it's harmful," he said. 

If you are concerned about someone near you using these drugs contact your local help line -Family Drug Help 1300 660 068, Kids Help 1800 55 1800 or your State ADIS (Alcohol Drug Information Service)

Medinat Australia supplies Drug Testing Kits for anyone who needs them.
Drugtest-Medinat supplies very affordable drug tests for home and personal use.


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